Okay, So the gym is the place you go to distress and get in shape. But do you inadvertently stress other people out in the process? Here are a few gym etiquette pointers to keep in mind:
Share the equipment- We know how enthusiastic you are to finish your sets and get in shape, But try not to hog the equipment. If you are doing a particular exercise that includes more than two sets, it's good manners to let someone else use the machine in between,while you take a breather.
Don't skunk up the place- The gym is not the place for strong perfumes, especially since everyone is breathing deeply. The perfume may also mix with your own distinctive smell to produce an odour that is completely undesirable.A mild deodorant is a better option instead.
Use and replace-Put back what you have used. That means the dumbbells and the weight-plate that you used when doing your exercise. Leaving the equipment personalised to your needs is plain inconsideration for other members.
Hit the showers- Once you're done, don't sit around on the equipment in your sweaty clothes and make smell talk with other members. And please don't start removing your shoes and socks right where you sit.


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