Walking with the right posture will improve your workout and minimize injury.It is a great idea. It is a low -cost, effective workout that helps you stay in shape as well as de-stress. But a lot depends on your posture while walking. A sloppy posture while walking will get you nowhere near to fit. So keep these pointers in mind while walking.
Make sure you keep your head straight and centred your shoulders. Square your shoulders and lift your chest naturally. Keep your body aligned as if there were a straight line through your spine. Look straight ahead while walking.
Keep in mind the position of your hands.Bend them 90 degrees at the elbow and swing them back and forth while walking. Another thing to keep in mind while walking is your stomach.Pull it in and hold in firmly so that have an ab workout as well.
The way your foot lands on the ground is also important to your walk workout. Take short, fast strides that are natural. Make sure your feet land firmly, heels first and then go on to push-off again with your toes in one fluid movement.
If you are walking on a treadmill, avoid holding the handrails unless absolutely necessary. This will prevent you from allowing your arms to soak up the effort of your workout.
Now that you know the right way to walk to fitness, it's time to take a walk.


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